Sunday, October 22, 2006

Amazing Race 10 -October 22, 2006

The question on everyone's minds tonight is can David and Mary come in first and avoid the 30 minute penalty? But more on that later.

I am annoyed with the Cho brothers. I admire them that they want to play the game with integrity but this isn't Survivor. This is a bloody race and you really need to think of yourself first. They either should have gone for the Fast Forward instead of letting David and Mary get it or stay up there and wait to do the road block. If I was in last place, I would have gone for the Fast Forward, it actually looked pretty exciting to do.

As for the roadblock I would do it. I am not afraid of heights and I am glad to see Kimberly do a road block, since she pretty much has to do and Mary would have done it if they didn't go for the fast forward. Which by the way, it was very convenient for the Fast Forward to be on a leg where Mary and David has to come in first. So of course they win it and come in first.

The detour was interesting and I totally would have done automatic because it was something different and looked kinda of cool. But it looked to hard to get to and the whole manual thing wasn't too bad and it did look faster as trying to attach the jockey to the camel could be difficult especially since the camel for the single moms was giving them attitude.

I am glad that the Cbo brothers came in 5th and I am also glad that Peter and Sarah got eliminated. Big surprise that they are not going to be dating anymore, not!!!! He was too annoying and in a sense she played the victim too much in her confessionals with her woes is me that I have a sucky unsupportive to partner.

Until next week!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, just a few comments of my own. Was it me or did Peter make Sarah do all the roadblocks and he did almost nothing. Kind of a refreshing thing to have the woman in the group do all the challenges, but given his personality that the show's editors showed us, it really just made him look like a lazy jerk. Overall, I'm pleased they are gone.

Yes, the Fast Forward was avery convenient. Last week I thought what an interesting twist, but to give teams the chance at a Fast Forward right after that takes the piss out of it all.

I disagree about the Cho Bros. I think they are playing the game really refreshingly. They have strength and skill. They could afford to help Mary and David, who from week to week I just can't help but like. Not a huge fan of Mary, but I find David to be quite the interesting character - definitely an onion.

But after the Rob and Amber fiasco of a few seasons ago, I'm glad that they have teams like the Cho Bros playing strategically, but in a good way. It's great to seem some human decency for a chance on reality TV.

As for the detour, I disagree and thought the camel one looked much faster than the other one. Yes, people got lost, but if you navigated properly, then things were good. Maybe I missed something, but it didn't seem all that difficult getting the jocket onto the camel. There was even someone helping them, no?

Anyway, a good episode, made better by me rooting for those Cho Bros all the way!

Happy times,