Friday, October 13, 2006

Grey's Anatomy -October 12th, 2006

Morphine Meredith

Even with Meredith all drugged-up and funny on morphine, she was still slightly annoying. I mean do I really care that she has to choose between to unbelieveably hot men that are also nice. I don't but I was sad that she let Finn go but we all knew she would choose Derek, I mean Chris O'Donnell was still a guest star while Patrick Dempsey a star so we knew that would happen. Whether McDreamy is Meredith's one, that remains to be seen but at least she will give it a try. I did find it funny some of the things Meredith was saying while on drugs especially when all her boyfriends (including George) were in the room and her somewhat heartfelt but drugged-up converstation with Addison.

As for poor George, I understand his friends are important to him but so should Callie, if she is his girlfriend. I like that girl and for him to string her a long is not cool in my book. And now she hooked up with McSteamy for (which I hope) is a one-night stand is not good. I want George to wake-up and smell the coffee and realizes he loves Callie. But the season is young so there is hope ye for my favourite couple of the show.

And poor (well not really poor) Izzy -did you see the size of that cheque!!!! I wonder if she will keep it. If it were me, I would not want to because I would feel that I was benefitting from the death of someone I love. But I really never understood Izzy's actions over Denny last season, I thought it very irrationally and she wasn't behaving like Denny's doctor. But that phone message from Denny to his parents was nice and enjoyed that it was his voice ending the episode and not Meredith's

Early I mentioned how Derek and Finn were nice men, McSteamy on the other hand was not. He did not treat his patients or colleagues with respect. But, we will see how his character develops. It doesn't hurt that he sure is nice to look at.

It almost seems splitsville for Burke and Yang, I somehow don't see how these two work as a couple. They are such polar opposites.

Anyways, looks like Izzy is back to work next week.

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