Sunday, November 12, 2006

Amazing Race 10 -November 12, 2006

I could tell that this episode was going to be a good one. Now, I didn't watch it when it was on here at 8PM ET as I decided to watch instead a BBC period drama as it was the only time that show was going to be on, so I decided to time shift it and watch the western feed at 11pm. But when my brother called around 8:44pm I knew it had to be about the race but I had to tell him that I wasn't watching it but will at 11pm.


The messages from home were a bit lame -sorry if I sound a bit heartless but really no one got that emotional about it except for Bama. As for the taxis, I would have waited in the queue like the Chos or asked like Rob and Kimberly if it was ok to take the cab before anyone else instead of jump the queue like Bama. Interesting to see how karma will bite them in the ass or reward the Chos for being nice.

The detour: Swamp this or that?

I wouldn't have chosen the cross-country skiing one because I twisted my ankle while cross-country skiing so the image of me doing it again remain so I would never have picked that one plus it didn't make sense as you wasted time in taking them on and off to jump over the obstacles. I would have done the other one and carried my brother!!!!!! And I agree with the blondes, I would have changed on the train and not wasted time changing at the detour, sure you don't want to get the cab dirty but it is a race.

So my brother called me about Rob and Kimberly driving in circles? Not an overwhelmingly interesting twist. I expected something else.

As for the roadblock, I probably woudn't do this one because it is not that I am claustrophobic but I fear that the air in the mine plus the uphill ride/walk with the bike and limestone would trigger an asthma attack, something I rather not experience on the race and national TV.

And how did I know that this was a double-leg. There was one coming and here we are. But that was cool rappelling face first!!! And you know what I was surprised with that Nokia didn't do some sort of product placement since Nokia is headquartered in this country.

So it looks like next week that the Chos have woken up and smelt the coffee about their "alliance" with Bama. Hopefully, they will race hard and actually win this thing.


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