Friday, September 28, 2007

Grey's Anatomy -September 27, 2007

Four words as Grey's Anatomy kicks off season 4: Lexie Grey is awesome.

She is the anti-Meredith. Not whiny and not self-centered. I love what she did for George at the end. All those interns fawning over him and in awe of him. I am looking forward to more of the developing friendship between George and Lexie. I do hope that eventually Meredith and Lexie get to know each other and perhaps bound over the trouble their father seems to be going through.

Speaking of fawns, I really disliked that whole deer thing with Izzy. It felt really stupid and annoying. And please, Shonda Rimes break-up George and Izzy. I really don't like them together at all. I love George and Callie, I hope that it is not splitsville for them.

I do feel that the show was missing something and their names were Addison and Burke. I think the whole baby/severed arm lady would have been nice if Addison was around. I somehow miss the energy her character brought to the show and the natural knack for OB/GYN that she brought out of Alex. As for Alex, I detect that we will be seeing Ava/Rebecca real soon.

As for Burke, it just felt weird that he wasn't there. But I am sure that we will eventually get used to all the changes afoot at Seattle Grace.

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