Monday, August 10, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in IMAX is not worth the extra $5

I think the headline says it all. It wasn't that I dislike HP6 the second go around, I did. I noticed things that I didn't the first time around like the fact that young Tom Riddle had a postcard of the Cave in the orphanage and somethings I didn't like where the heck is Cho Chang?

But it really was the 3D sequences that were very disappointing. I wanted to see HP6 again because of the 3D as the 3D sequences in HP5 (Order of the Phoenix) was phenomenal. The last 20 minutes were just amazing. The flight to London on the Thestrals, the battle at the Department of Mystery where you had prophesies flying at you along with death eaters, fire snakes and water.

In Half-Blood Prince, the only amazing 3D sequence was the trailer to A Christmas Carol that played right before the movie.

There are two sequences in the actual movie that is pretty impressive in 3D and that is the Death Eaters flying through London and into Diagon Alley and then when Dumbledore helps put back together Slughorn's house after he ransacked it to keep the Death Eaters away.

I think that the film makers could have spread the 3D love around the film instead of just the first 12 minutes. Like Quidditch could have been in 3D and the Cave scene and the Astronomy tower would have been great in 3D. I think as an audience member, I wouldn't mind having to take on and off my 3D glasses as long as the sequences were tremendous in 3D.

As I said earlier, the movie is still great. Still love all the stuff that I loved in the first place like Ginny, Ron and Hermione, Quidditch and the cave scene and Luna.

I think when Deathly Hallows parts 1 and 2 come out, I most likely will just see it in IMAX first instead of regular theatre and then IMAX. That way I won't be disappointed paying a premium to see it again.

Funny thing is that I didn't really like HP5 in regular theatre yet when I saw it in IMAX I ended up loving it.

So save $5 and just see HP6 in a regular movie theatre.

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