Thursday, June 07, 2007

No Opportunity Wasted

This fall the CBC will be showing Phil Koeghen's new show No Opportunity Wasted. The show that lets ordinary Canadian face their fear and live a N.O.W. life.

Phil recently came to Vancouver for a book signing of his N.O.W. book and to audition folks for the TV show and my brother and I decided to meet him. While waiting for him to show, I got the N.O.W. book and when we finally got to him, he graciously signed it and he wrote that I should start writing my N.O.W. list. When I did meet him I had to say how much we loved the Amazing Race. Anyways, wanted to get that in.

I only recently started reading the book. And it got me thinking about my fears and what I want to do with my life. I think I have started to live a fairly N.O.W. life since my Dad's accident. That really woke me up to realize that life is short. So recently, I've done things I've always wanted to do: archery, skydiving, ziplining and travel to Asia.

But there are still more on my list. So here is my N.O.W. list:

  1. Visit a dog park to get over my fear of dogs

  2. Walk the Great Wall of China

  3. See the pyramids of Egypt

  4. Visit every Canadian province and territory (so far I still need to do the Maritimes, Nunavut and NWT)

  5. Go bungee jumping

  6. Go to the Niagara Ice Wine Festival

  7. Go rappeling

  8. Visit Australia

  9. Go scuba diving

  10. Go on more roller coasters -I don't really like them

According to the book there should be no more woulda, coulda, shoulda. And I don't want to live my life with regret, which is my I think I skydived when I turned 30 and why I ziplined earlier this year.

I want to be able to know that I lived a life without regret. What is your N.O.W. list?

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