Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oscar Nominations are out

This morning I got up to watch the Oscar nominations. There were many surprises about what movies were left out of certain categories and some surprises at who were nominated.

The first surprise was Dreamgirls being shut out of Best Picture and Best Director despite winning the Golden Globe and racking up eight Oscar nods (three alone in Best Song). I saw the movie over the weekend and I thought I was watching a potential Best Picture nominee (I try to watch all the Best Picture nominees before the ceremony so that I can make my predictions better). But I was happy to see that Jennifer Hudson, who was amazing in the film, and Eddie Murphy, also great, get nominated.

A welcome surprise was the nominations for Canadian Ryan Gosling. I am happy for him and sure goes a long way from his days on Breaker High! And I am happy to see that Abigail Breslin got nominated for Little Miss Sunshine and the film got nominated for Best Picture too! (Guess what I am renting this weekend!)

So the Best Picture race is this: Babel, The Departed, Letters from Iwo Jima, Little Miss Sunshine and The Queen. I didn't know what I was going to this Saturday but now I know, I am going to watch The Queen.

An interesting race and from the looks of it no clear front runner. If I were to bet money on it (but won't) I think it is going to be Babel (and that is only because it won the Golden Globe -but then so did Brokeback Mountain last year) So what do I know.

But I am willing to bet money (but I won't) that these three people will win the Oscar in their respective categories: Helen Mirren, Forrest Whittaker and Jennifer Hudson.

Looking forward to February 25th as the Oscar's is my Super Bowl.


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